Acorns has three hospices: in Birmingham, the Black Country and the Three Counties. There is also a Community Team to support the family with a range of services at home. Children can stay at the hospices for short breaks, emergency and end-of-life care. Each hospice is a purpose built bungalow style building, with ten beautifully decorated bedrooms which are specially designed to cater for the needs of children as well as babies. There is accommodation for families so they can stay close by overnight and the hospices have ‘special bedrooms’ where children can stay after they have passed away until their funeral.
It currently costs over £8 million a year to support our families. That’s £750 per day for each child’s care. Acorns relies on the community to fund the majority of its activities.
From every £1 you give 88p is spent on providing the vital care and support that our children and families rely on. We use the remaining 12p to raise the next £1. There is no charge to families for using the services Acorns provides. Get involved today and you can help to make a real difference in your local area. Whether you choose to fundraise on your own, with family, or a group of friends or colleagues, there are many ways you can raise money for Acorns whilst having fun at the same time!